Unlike the official WhatsApp, which has size limitations for file sharing, GB WhatsApp allows users to send files up to 100MB in size. Additionally, the app provides the option to password-protect specific chats or the entire application, adding an extra layer of security.Īnother significant advantage of GB WhatsApp is the ability to send larger files and media. Users can hide their online status, blue ticks, and typing indicator, giving them greater control over their privacy and online presence. GB WhatsApp also offers advanced privacy features. This allows individuals to customize the app according to their preferences and create a unique messaging environment. Users can personalize their chats by choosing from a vast collection of themes, fonts, and colors. One of the standout features of GB WhatsApp download is its extensive customization capabilities. With millions of active users worldwide, GB WhatsApp has become a go-to choice for individuals seeking a more personalized and enhanced messaging experience. GB WhatsApp APK is a popular modified version of the original WhatsApp application that offers users a wide range of additional features and customization options. To sign up for our daily email newsletter, CLICK HERE Follow Follow Whatsapp APK